Cleaning Policy

At Ward’s Rental Center, we pride ourselves on customer service and the clarity of our policies. 

Below are examples of machines with varying scales of dirtiness. The sliding scale of dirtiness is a 10 point scale with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Machines returned or picked up with a score of 3 or higher will result in a cleaning fee.

We do not look at cleaning fees as a punishment or a penalty, but rather as a required part of the rental process. We ask for your cooperation in this process either by cleaning the machine to the level that you received it, or by paying us to get the machine back to that level. Cleaning fees will be assessed by our management staff based on the amount of cleaning required as well as the level in which the machine was delivered. In order to achieve this, we require both the signer and the driver to asses the scale, give a designation, and sign a document during pickup/delivery. Upon pickup of the machine, our staff will determine the level of dirtiness again and assign the correct scale designation as well as any applicable cleaning fees. 

Please review the cleaning policy and related images below. 

No Cleaning Fee

$25-$50 Cleaning Fee

$50-$100 Cleaning Fee